There are 6 tasks that students have to do during the tutorials. Students work in pairs (teams of two).
A complete solution for a task is the source code and a report.
Each task is a Matlab program that controls a mobile robot: KUKA YouBot. The program should use the data from various sensors to control the velocities of the robot base wheels to realize the specified task.
More detailed information on each task is provided on the individual pages of the tasks.
The robot is controlled in a simulated environment inside the CoppeliaSim simulator. The Matlab program that controls the youBot robot communicates with the simulated hardware using CoppeliaSim Matlab bindings. The control program may use API functions from Peter Corke’s Robotics, Vision and Control toolkit.
The students should run the simulator and Matlab on their own laptops, as some of the work is intended to be done as homework. Linux, Windows and Mac OS operating systems are supported.
Please refer to section Setup that explains how to install software components needed for the course.
Some informative examples of robot control programs are presented in the Example Task page.
All materials needed for the tutorials are presented on this site and in the lectures. Additionally, 6 consultations are scheduled in the semester. Please refer to the Schedule page.